Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship (SLA) for School Business Professionals

What does the apprenticeship cover?

The Level 7 Senior Leaders standard allows providers to offer a variety of postgraduate degrees as part of the apprenticeship. As a result, there is a wide variety of choice available.

There are two main types of Senior Leader (Degree) Apprenticeships that are suitable for SBPs:

  • Non-contextualised – providers often offer a more general postgraduate degree as part of this apprenticeship (e.g. Master’s in Business Administration). You can also study master’s degree programmes that are aimed at school leaders (e.g. MA in Educational Leadership).

  • Contextualised – there are some providers who offer a master’s degree programme that has been specifically designed for school business professionals and is aimed at tier 4 and beyond of the ISBL professional standards. You will achieve a master’s degree that will help you as a school leader (e.g. MA in Education Business Management).

For more information about SBP Apprenticeships please click here.

About the qualification

  • The contextualised apprenticeship provides students with an opportunity to evaluate, develop and strengthen their business and leadership skills in order to increase efficiency, build cohesive teams and achieve the best outcomes for their school and pupils. The programme covers a wide range of management and leadership skills, knowledge, self-awareness and behaviours.

    During the programme, the learner will complete a work-based project that addresses a genuine issue or area for improvement within their school.

  • Applicants will usually have been undertaking a senior school business professional role, e.g. Chief Operating Officer, Director of Support Services, within a school/trust for at least two years and have an undergraduate degree from a UK university or an equivalent overseas qualification.

    However, providers welcome applications from individuals who do not possess an undergraduate degree but who have significant management experience.

  • Typically, a Senior Leader (Degree) Apprenticeship can take 2–3 years.

    Students and their employers will be required to commit 20% of their normal working hours to the apprenticeship training. More information can be found by clicking here.

  • If starting a full 2-3 year apprenticeship sounds daunting, then you can work towards one by completing individual modules. We have partnered with the University of Chester to offer the Certificate in Strategic Educational Leadership, a short, accessible level 7 module for school business professionals who want to demonstrate their strategic educational leadership.

  • This apprenticeship is offered nationally through many different universities. The apprenticeship is open to learners throughout England in both levy- and non-levy-funded schools, academies and trusts. Start dates and delivery methods vary from provider to provider.

    Employers should look at the providers offering the apprenticeship they want and decide which programme of study best suits their employee and their organisation.

    You can find a list of training providers offering apprenticeships for school business professionals below.

    A full list of apprenticeship standards and providers can also be found on the IfATE website.

  • A list of providers and links are provided below. You will need to contact each organisation for specific information about the programmes:


For any enquiries, please contact: training@isbl.org.uk