SchoolMark Accreditation

What is School Mark? 

SchoolMark is the quality assurance scheme that provides you with a 360-degree assessment of your school or trusts’ resource strategy and management, It celebrates best practice, recognises the great work you and your colleagues do, and helps you raise the standards of your school management by delivering a roadmap for improvement.   It is not based upon a tickbox algorithm but uses sector experts to review your evidence and work with you to identify all that you do which is great. 

How do I get SchoolMark? 

We know you’re busy.  We know that because the people behind SchoolMark have been SBMs previously themselves.  SchoolMark has been designed to not add to your already busy workload, but to use the data and documents you already have. 

The SchoolMark system examines nine different areas of school resource management and minimises additional workload by using existing data and reports to produce a holistic view of your school or trust; awarding you with an external independent certification for excellent resource management or providing a roadmap for improvement if you’re not quite there yet. This certification is great audit evidence of robust systems and procedures, should help to lower your internal scrutiny costs, and enables your governors  / directors to really understand the good work that is going on in their organisation.  

Learn more about the process 

Ten benefits of the SchoolMark accreditation and assessment process.

SchoolMark has many benefits both in the short term and longer term: 

  1. Helps to reduce costs and provide greater efficiencies in your budget. 

  2. Helps to maximise the impact of your budget spend putting your students at the heart of decisions. 

  3. Improves financial planning. 

  4. Reduces audit requirements.  

  5. Supports Trustee monitoring of spend and leads to improved governance 

  6. Allows you to demonstrate transparency and robust financial systems. 

  7. Reduce your workload to meet internal scrutiny requirements. 

  8. Celebrates best practice in how you manage your school. 

  9. Ideal for schools wishing to become academies as a due diligence tool. 

  10. Ensures you are compliant with DfE and ESFA requirements as a minimum 

What does it mean to be SchoolMark accredited? 

SchoolMark is a nationally recognised quality mark that means your school has been recognised for outstanding resource management.  It celebrates the day-to-day work that the whole team at your school have made to creating a best practice model of resource management and it shows that your pupils are at the heart of your budget decision making process. 


  • We share the list of SchoolMark accredited organisations with the DfE so that they are aware of the schools which are leading the sector. 

  • You will be given permission to use the SchoolMark logo on your marketing material and will receive a certificate and plaque to display in your school. 

  • You will also be entered onto the public register of SchoolMark accredited organisations in the UK and have the opportunity to collaborate and share best practice with other SchoolMark accredited schools.    


SchoolMark is the quality assurance scheme awarded by the ISBL and developed in conjunction with the DfE.  Find out more 

Find out more and apply here.