Andrew Hamilton


My name is Andrew Hamilton. I am pleased to offer my services as a Subject Matter Expert to ISBL based on the long, broad and detailed, knowledge, skills and experience, that I have accrued over 40 years in schools, academies and wider educational organisations.

As a qualified mathematics teacher, I worked in secondary schools for 36 years before leaving to set up an education consultancy firm dedicated to continuing to contribute to improving the educational provision and experience of our young people. Across those years in 8 schools and academies, I had 27 years working at senior leadership level and above, including 17 years as Head of 2 large secondary schools and 5 years as CEO of a 7 school (6 primary, 1 secondary) MAT.

In addition to my work in my own schools and organisations, I worked across many others helping school improvement and enhancing leadership and management. I was a LLE for 4 years, a NLE for 10 years and worked on Oxon’s Schools’ Forum for 10 years, all contributing to the development and improvement of schools and the school system as a whole.

I set up the education consultancy firm in 2017, to improve schools and the system, specialising in the areas of: curriculum design, timetabling and delivery; leadership and management development and improvement; and financial and resource management and improvement. This work has enabled me to use my knowledge and expertise to continue to contribute and has been a real joy.

My extensive knowledge and experience of helping improve education organisations in the above school improvement areas, has been enhanced by my extensive expertise and experience in ICFP, Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning, having worked in the area since the implementation of Local Management of Schools in 1988 when it was CLFP, Curriculum Led Financial Planning.

Qualifying as one of the first SRMA’s accredited nationally, this work over the last four years has led to me becoming more focused in this key area of development, to help ensure the financial sustainability, viability and stability of our schools, academies and wider educational organisations. Having worked with hundreds of schools in this area, I designed and created tools to enhance our practice in helping them. I have been, and continue to be, an SRMA assessor and trainer as well as being an ISBL Fellow.

This work then led to me working with ISBL to design, create and develop the ISOT ICFP tool to assist SRMAs and SBPs to utilise the methodologies more easily and concentrate on the analysis and interpretation of the messages ICFP metrics give school leaderships rather than just using them as descriptive values. This has also involved me in designing and leading training for ISBL, the ESFA, and multiple MATs, LAs, Schools, SBM/SBP groups, and other organisations.