CIPS Award for School Business Professionals

Learning Outcomes
The Award is made up 5 modules:
Driving Value through procurement and supply
Sourcing Essentials in procurement and supply
Managing Expenditures with Suppliers
Developing Contracts in procurement and supply
Effective Negotiation
About the qualification
The benefits to schools and trusts include:
Value: This practical, applied learning approach delivers proven return on investment.
Business improvement and savings: Work-based assignments drive improvements directly back into your workplace.
Talent: Investing in the development of staff unlocks potential and boosts expertise leading to improved productivity and efficiency.
Professionalism: Helps bring about positive changes in performance and behaviour that benefit your school or trust.
The benefits to schools business professionals include:
Be the best you can be: Supports you to demonstrate your value to your school by helping you realise efficiencies and savings through high-quality procurement.
Opportunities: Successful completion of the programme can help unlock career advancement and specialist opportunities.
Accreditation: The programme provides a route to CIPS Diploma professional membership status and is a step towards MCIPS status.
Network: Participation provides knowledge sharing and networking across the education sector.
It is delivered online, using interactive webinars and learning sessions, practical assessed assignments and remote tutor support.
The programme starts with an introductory webinar and each module starts with a day of online sessions.
12 months, with an average of 100 hours of self-study required.
There are no entry requirements as such, although procurement should be part of your responsibilities. The programme is aimed at giving you the specialist procurement knowledge and skills to use during your role.
The completion of any procurement activities at your school/trust will help you to prepare for completing the programme and gaining accreditation. These activities will provide you with real life case studies whilst also demonstrating how high quality procurement can drive improvements and efficiencies back into your school.
Each module is assessed through completing written assignments.
There is an ISBL member rate and a non-member rate for all our training programmes. All rates quoted below are inclusive of VAT and per person:
ISBL member rate: £3,559Non-member rate: £4,248
One of the benefits of being an ISBL member is being able to access the member rates for training and conferences. If you are not a member, you can find out more about joining ISBL by clicking here.To be able to access the ISBL member rate, your membership needs to be active before you book your place on the programme.
The full cost must be paid in full before you start the programme. Our Terms & Conditions can be found here.


Upcoming cohorts and bookings
In order to book on to the course you need to email: training@isbl.org.uk to confirm your interest. Contextualised cohorts only run where there is sufficient demand, therefore if we are not able to book you onto a contextualised cohort, we will put you in touch with CIPS to see if you can book onto an open cohort.
For any enquiries, please contact: training@isbl.org.uk