Marketing workshop for School Business Professionals

Learning Outcomes
Delegates will attend training focused on the following learning objectives:
Listening to parents, colleagues and other stakeholders
Making effective use of the external communication channels available to schools–website, social media, apps and more
Creating a clear vision, branding and messages to support the growth of your school
The essentials of income generation–crowdfunding, grants, sponsorship and more
Crisis communication and media management
Assembling a marketing plan and practical implementation steps
About the training
Marketing and communication is often a time-consuming and challenging task for schools and business leaders. This course allows you to take control of it by working through practical models and creating forward-looking plans. You will save time, focus your financial spend on marketing and be better able to meet your school’s recruitment or income generation targets. On a personal level, marketing is a key area of competence for business leaders looking to develop and move into more senior roles in trusts and this course is an excellent introduction.
This can be delivered face-to-face or online.
The sessions are interactive with plenty of time to discuss, apply the learning to your context and ask questions.
This training workshop is offered to individual schools, MATs, and local network groups. We will work with you to arrange the training on a date(s) that works for you.
Face to face: 1 day
Online: 1 day or two ½ days
Responsibility for marketing is often split between different roles in a school – business leaders, headteachers, other senior teachers, and support staff. While they will all benefit from this course, we’ve found it is especially effective when all those involved attend the course and can spend time developing practical plans away from the day-to-day demands of the classroom or school office.
This training is run directly by Chameleon Consultancy and Training and priced as follows:
Individual school / trust: £779 (+VAT)Min 1, max 5 delegates
Venue and refreshments (Including lunch) to be provided by the school / trust
Local network group or group of schools (i.e. Multi Academy Trust): £979 (+VAT)Min 5, max 20 delegates
Venue and refreshments (Including lunch) to be provided by local network group / MAT
Opportunity for you to generate income for your school by charging delegates an attendance fee of your choosing.

How can I book my place?
Complete a training request form and return it to us at training@isbl.org.uk. We will then work with you to arrange the training on a date(s) that works for you.
Want to try a 4-week bite-sized Marketing course to get you started? Find out more by clicking here.

For any enquiries, please contact: training@isbl.org.uk